9 Celebrities Tattoos with their meanings

Zayn got the word “Love” inked onto his hand in early 2017. He also has a small bird and some small symbols tattooed on his left fingers.

Selena Gomez has a tattoo in Arabic writing on the right side of her back. It says “أحب نفسك أولا” which translates to “love yourself first.”

Emma Stone has a bird feet tattoo on her wrist, which represented to celebrates her mom's cancer-free

Dax Shepard inked "Wedding Band " on his finger to show his love for his family(wife & daughters).

Ariana Grande made a tattoo of BEE behind her ear to honor the victims  who died in the terrorist attack during her 2017 Manchester Concert.

Rihana inked goddess ISIS on her chest in memory of Grandmother. The reason behind this tattoo is that she wanted her grandmother always in & on her heart.

Dua Lipa inked the name of the neighborhood where her parents grew up in Kosovo- Sunny Hill.

Angelina Jolie made a tattoo of her children's birthplaces on her arm.

Katty Perry inked a tattoo on her inner arm in Sanskrit " अनुगच्छतु प्रवाहम्" which means GO with A Flow.